The Sum of You …. And the all of me!!
When you saw all black,
You taught me white!
When you made allegations,
You taught me innocence!
When you didn’t know what to speak,
You taught me a new language!
When you abandoned,
You taught me ownership!
When you doubted,
You taught me trust!
When you cheated,
You taught me loyalty!
When you disregarded my feelings,
You taught me investment!
When you ignored,
You taught me attention!
When you sought my weakness,
You taught me strength!
When you spoke noise,
You taught me silence!
When you sat on the fence,
You taught me decisions!!
When you ran,
You taught me to stand ground!
When you couldn’t see the future,
You taught me hope!
When you walked away,
You taught me roots!
When you chose cowardice,
You taught me courage!
Every time you lied,
You taught me truth!
When you abused our friendship,
You taught me care!
When you left me to destiny,
You taught me determination!
When you walked over my dignity,
You taught me grace!
When you became footloose,
You taught me caution!
When you refused to see me clothed,
You taught me self-respect!
When you only see the window of opportunity,
You taught me vision!
When you gave excuses,
You taught me reason!
When you denied love,
You taught me acceptance!
When you offered a little of some of you!!
You taught me … How not to give any of me!!