Friday, 22 January 2021




And they come in at the most unexpected time,

When you are in the middle of a concert and the song gets your soul,

It knocks the door when you are alone at home,

It says hello when you are with a group of friends, and something someone said made sense,

When you are on a vacation and the sunset showed you the path to the next day,

It says hey, you will heal, when you were drowning it all on the pillow in the night,

When a child offers a candy and everything after that tastes nice,

When a friend posts something and it breaks the walls of the heart,

It walks through the doors of that pub and says, Hi, can I buy you a drink?

It conceals itself in the mad laughter of the college friends,

When the flower blooms and hope is revived,

When the dark skies turns into the hues of dawn and faith is restored,

When the winters turn to summers and grief turns into acceptance,

It is not just for the partner who distanced, but also the friend who chose to go quiet,

The parent who became a star, the job that ditched you when you needed it the most,

The friend who did not turn up for your pet’s funeral, the first car that you had to sell,

The pet who left you after years of togetherness, the home that you had to leave after marriage,

The sibling who left the country and does not keep in touch,

The lover who went back to his wife, the boss who favored someone else for a promotion,

The child who never got the trust of his parent, the student who did not know why his teacher didn't like him,

It is a series of closures that happen over the years,

That is how it happens … never a single shot of Tequila!

It takes many decanters of single malts, to be sipped slowly,

Over many moon lit nights,

To close the door, that last time, to never open again! Or,

To keep the door open, forever wishing not to have the desire for any more closures ever again!



  1. Nice one Hiri. Well written.

  2. Beautiful..👌👌I was not aware of the hidden poet inside you..

    1. Thank you, the name is not appearing, who has posted this ?
